Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Missing teeth can lead to a variety of other dental problems, such as shifting and jaw disorders. Getting a missing tooth restored as soon as possible can help protect your teeth and gums from further damage. Dental implants in Annapolis, MD, are the restoration of choice for many patients who are missing teeth. Dentists often recommend implants because they are sturdier than most other restorations and mimic the natural structure of your tooth. If you’re missing a tooth, consult with your dentist to see if a dental implant may be right for you.

DENTAL IMPLANTS in ANNAPOLIS, MD, can help restore missing teeth

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dental Implants in Annapolis, MD?

While dental implants are a great restorative option for missing teeth, not every patient will benefit from them. Some patients can’t get dental implants due to oral health reasons. Having a strong and healthy starting point is key for anyone who wants a successful implant. If your other teeth, gums, and jaw aren’t healthy, the implant could fail, potentially leading to further damage. Here are the qualifications most patients need to be a good candidate for an implant.

Healthy Gums

Gum disease is a leading cause of failed implants. The implant needs to be well supported by healthy gum tissue. If you have plaque buildup or disease in your gums, then your implant may fail to place properly or could even shift after placement. However, gum disease doesn’t mean you can never get an implant. Many patients can successfully receive a dental implant after undergoing periodontal treatment.

Jaw Bone Density

Losing a tooth can dramatically affect your jaw structure and strength. Tooth loss tends to include a loss of bone density as well. But a dental implant needs a strong bone structure to integrate into. If you suffered bone loss from losing a tooth, your jaw may not be able to support your implant, leading to a failed placement. If you do have low jaw bone density, you’ll likely need a bone graft appointment before you can get a dental implant.

No Smoking

Smoking can drastically damage your teeth and gums, even if you aren’t habitual in its use. When getting a dental implant, you’ll need to stop smoking a few weeks before your surgery and continue to stay away from smoking during the entire process. Depending on the health of your teeth and gums, a full implant restoration can take a couple of months to complete. The sooner you stop smoking before undergoing treatment, the more likely you are to stay smoke-free so your implant has time to integrate and heal for a successful restoration.

If you’re missing a tooth or need an extraction, Dr. Vernon Sheen is available to help. Call our office today at (443) 482-5202 to schedule an appointment and see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. If you are, Dr. Sheen will coordinate with a local oral surgeon to provide high-quality dental implant restoration for your smile.