Does looking at your teeth in the mirror make you hesitant to smile because you see crooked, overcrowded, chipped, or broken teeth? Maybe you’re considering restoring your smile with cosmetic dental procedures but are “on the fence” about taking the next step because you feel that “there’s no reason to fix my crooked teeth except looking better”? There are a number of valid health reasons to use cosmetic dental treatments to restore your teeth beyond the merely cosmetic ones.
Why Fix Crooked Teeth?
Surprisingly enough, some dental problems that seem merely cosmetic actually affect your oral health and even your overall health. Dr. Vernon Sheen is an experienced dentist in Annapolis, MD who can help restore and preserve your smile. Learn more about the important reasons to fix dental problems from Dr. Sheen and his team below.
Ensure Your Teeth Wear Evenly
If teeth are not aligned properly, they can wear unevenly and this will cause premature tooth decay or pain over time. Frequently, the cause for excess tooth wear is an uneven bite, which can result from an overbite, underbite, a jaw injury, crooked or missing teeth, or even an uneven crown or molding fit.
Excessive wear and tear on teeth can wear them down to the more sensitive layer under the enamel, called the dentin. This type of enamel erodes even faster and is more sensitive than the outer enamel once it has been exposed. If the causes of an uneven bite are not resolved, your teeth can be worn down to stumps, requiring bridges, crowns, root canals, implants or even dentures to restore your smile to a healthy appearance and level of functioning.
Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease
Overcrowded or crooked teeth may indicate deeper problems beneath the gums. Teeth can shift in your mouth, becoming overcrowded. When teeth are crowded up against each other, they can crack or fracture. This can result in pain and, if left untreated, eventually infection.
Crooked, chipped, or broken teeth are also more difficult to clean properly, resulting in additional plaque forming between teeth and along the gum line.
Bacteria that naturally live in your mouth will then begin to feed on the plaque, eroding your tooth enamel as they eat the plaque that has gathered on it. Additionally, your gums can become infected and inflamed as plaque gathers and hardens between crooked teeth. The irritated, swollen gums pull away from your teeth, making them less stable. Eventually, your teeth can become loose in their sockets or even fall out.
Improve Overall Health
Progressive gum disease has also been shown to increase the risk of systemic health problems such as Alzheimers, heart disease and diabetes. An uneven bite, fractured or overcrowded teeth, or even missing teeth can lead to gum disease just because they are more difficult to clean properly. Therefore, correcting what seems like “just” a cosmetic problem can actually help your body stay healthy.
Straighten Crooked Teeth in Annapolis, MD
Dr. Sheen is an experienced dentist who offers many different types of conservative, effective treatments to fit your needs. Schedule a consultation online or call our office at (443) 482- 5202 today to keep your smile healthy and your confidence high!